Artist Statement

It's difficult writing about an art practice that doesn't lend itself to explanation, It takes an enormous amount of soul-searching to come to terms with a way of working that is in essence about the freedom to keep playing whilst creating. You end up with very little to say apart from the making and even that's difficult as you can't quite figure out how or why you did it. I want to make it clear that these paintings are not outpourings of expression of the artist but rather a calculated and thorough investigation of concepts within the paintings. As an artist, I'm about exploring never about answers. Working this way can leave you feeling like a fraud, especially in a period of Art that has been dominated by Concepts But concepts happen when the work is being made in the studio. I deliberately have no desire to understand what these are after the making. In fact, I deliberately set out to undermine and sabotage these ideas.

Many years ago I was looking at the photographs "American Surfaces" by Stephen Shore trying to figure out why these images were so compelling, I'm still none the wiser but I did come to realise most of the photos were very simple, like a plate on a table, A central shape on a background. These paintings are made similarly, with a simple shape placed on a background the idea is that these works appear simple or naive but that's just a familiar hook and then unsettlement happens and then it becomes a much deeper dialogue about painting and Art. It's where the fun is. If I'm understanding it then it has nowhere to go. It's about creating the conditions of freedom.